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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes, 03/05/2008
Minutes of Meeting – March 5, 2008; meeting called to order at 5:30 pm.  
Present:  RN Sandlin; S Pavlosky; L. Messana; JH Pumphrey; RT Akroyd.

MOTION by SP, seconded by LM to accept the Minutes of February 20 as presented.  5/0 vote.

MOTION by JHP, seconded by RTA to estimate the seasonal population of Lenox at 10,000 for purposes of seasonal liquor licenses.  5/0 vote.

MOTION by JHP, seconded by RTA to grant a one-day A/A license to Storefront Artist Project for March 15 from 6-8pm at Stoneover Farm.  5/0 vote.

MOTION by RTA, seconded by LM to grant a common victuallers and entertainment license to Larry Lane at the Arcadian Shop.  5/0 vote.

MOTION by JHP, seconded by LM to join the HHHW collaborative for FY09.  5/0 vote.

Members of the TRIAD Public Safety Committee appeared before the Board to discuss concerns about the Town crosswalks and speed limits/enforcement within town.  Bob Stevens, as spokesperson for the group, itemized several items they would like to see addressed:  reflective paint used in crosswalks, signage at crosswalks, ticketing of jay-walkers, more visible walking police patrols, strictly enforced speed limits with ticketing, a study of speed limits performed, more speed signage, radar performed.  The Board thanked them for their suggestions and agreed to look into their suggestions.

MOTION by JHP, seconded by RTA to accept MGL Chapter 32B, Section 19 (as amended) for the purpose of pursuing transferring all subscribers for whom the Town provides health insurance to he Group Insurance Commission pursuant to MGL Chapter 32B, Section 19 (e), and further, to authorize the Town Manager to notice forthwith the initial meeting of a Public Employee Committee for the purposes of MGL Chapter 32B, Section 19 (e); bargain with such Public Employee Committee for the purposes of MGL Chapter 32B, Section 19(e); enter into an agreement with such Public Employee Committee for the purposes of MGL Chapter 32B, Section 19 (e), and take all such other steps as are reasonably related to the transfer of all subscribers to the Group Insurance Commission.  5/0 vote.

RNS informed the group that there will be a public charrette on March 11 at 7:30pm at Trinity Church regarding the Sawmill Brook Housing project.

FY09 Budget:: SP stated that he believes that the FinCom still has the School and Community Center budgets to review.  TM stated that the school is working to meet the target with their budget, except for the special education line item.  RTA agreed that the budget process is moving along nicely.

Old/New Business:  LM went through the employee anniversaries.

Meeting adjourned at 6:20pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                           Clerk
                   Assistant to Town Manager                                  Board of Selectmen

Mary Ellen Deming
Town of Lenox
Town Hall - 6 Walker Street
Lenox, MA  01240
phone:  (413) 637-5500
fax:       (413) 637-5518